I have been inspired to make a lot of lifestyle changes lately. It all started back in November when I became sick. It's not uncommon for me these days; hasn't been since I developed pneumonia several years ago. I catch a cold or suffer from seasonal allergies and then, WHAM! Sinusitis. Once it hits, it sticks around for at least three weeks.
I managed to get better just in time for Thanksgiving, but it didn't last long. On Christmas Eve I was sick again, this time for four weeks. Just as I started feeling better toward the end of January, I was hit with a stomach bug.
No, I'm not a hypochondriac ... at least I don't think I am and no has ever accused me of being one, at least not to my face. It's just that I always feel sick. After three months of being sick, I realized I had to make some changes to my lifestyle. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired all of the time. It was time to change my diet, exercise routine (or lack thereof), and the way I sleep.
I've already made some changes in the last few weeks and I plan to write about those here. The purpose of this blog, partially, is to share my journey with the world, or at least the occasional web surfer who trips upon my blog. Truly, however, I hope it will keep me inspired and motivated to see this through. I hope this will serve as a timeline so that in the future I can look back and see how far I've come.
I won't only be writing about these healthy lifestyle changes, but also some other topics such as family, religion, and life in general. I hope you'll find my rantings interesting enough to come back every once in a while.