It's day six of my sinusitis and by now the sinus pressure and congestion are making me miserable. I've decided to keep a log to track progress of the inevitable infection to bring to my doctor once this is over, or if I decide to go in for treatment.
I end up with sinusitis about three times a year. There's not a pattern as there always seems to be some allergen in the air. For me, it does not discriminate between winter, summer, fall, or spring.
When I get sinusitis, it hangs on for about four weeks. Some days are better than others and the last week usually is residual coughing and congestion, but it's still there.
So, with all that said, I did the math. If I get sinusitis three times a year for about four weeks, that means I'm sick for almost a quarter of the year. This, to me folks, is unacceptable. Something has to improve. Of course, you knew that already. It's the entire reason I started this blog (believe it or not, it wasn't about Stitch Fix). I want to be held accountable and stay motivated to live a healthier life.
I'm not a doctor, I'm just a mom who has a lot on her plate and doesn't have time to be sick for a quarter of the year. I'm simply passing on my own experiences.
Always talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your health.
The struggles and joys of a mom and her sons trying to balance religion, family, health, work, and school.
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